
Let’s take a moment to review what you’re receiving in this course…

EIGHT solid weeks of online workshops with our private Mighty ChangeMaker group, where we’ll be answering questions and helping you implement the teachings.
VALUE: $3800 USD

Four sessions of 1:1 executive coaching to make sure you are on track and set-up for success throughout the program and beyond.
VALUE: $1000 USD

Our personal vault of all our worksheets, scripts and templates for visioning, developing outcomes, roadmapping, template and agenda for facilitating shared ownership, influence map, impact strategy map and many more! PLUS access to recorded sessions of online workshops designed to give you the confidence you need to create the change you desire.
VALUE: $1500 USD

Bonus “Speaking off the Cuff” class plus public speaking with a before-and-after feedback and resources to help you improve your presence and audience impact.
VALUE: $1500 USD

Access to bonus video mindset strategies and tactics, including nudges, pygmalion effect, structuring reality and inner landscapes of the mind.
VALUE: $priceless

(plus priceless resources)
for an

$5,999 USD!

You may hire me as your organisational change coach to set you, your team and your organisation up for success over eight weeks for a minimum investment of $32,000 USD – or take the Road to Responsive Change and receive ALL that juicy goodness in a community format for $5,999 USD.


What changes will I begin to see after this program?

  • You will discover how to create a compelling and IRRESISTIBLE case for change – and be a highly-effective negotiator -- to secure the resources you need from key decision-makers or resource gate-keepers in order to make things happen.

  • You will get 100% clear on your vision with the kind of well-formed outcomes that will set you up for SUCCESS, knowing exactly what you need and how to begin your change journey.

  • You will have your INFLUENCE map for a successful engagement strategy that would drive accountability with leaders, neutralize resistance and empower enablers to achieve the IMPACT you desire. Know what to say what to whom by when and how.

  • You will ENERGIZE stakeholders with a narrative for change that they need right now to help them through these difficult times – and make them feel inspired, excited, with a renewed sense of optimism and ownership for creating a new reality.

  • You will learn a best-kept secret psychological phenomenon to COMMUNICATE in a way that influences the unconscious mind into BEHAVIORAL SHIFTS that bypass resistance, allowing you to make things happen with elegance and ease (without trying hard to make people understand the complicated).

  • You will discover a tried and tested approach to create meaningful COLLABORATION for lasting and sustainable change.

  • You will feel EMPOWERED by learning how to navigate politics with positive psychology so you are in a position to set the agenda for change in a way that makes you feel congruent with what you feel called to create.

  • You will OVERCOME THE OVERWHELM using a mindset technique that gives you the ability to DO MORE WITH LESS by simplifying the complex and swiftly creating shifts that would spur your confidence and credibility.

  • You will learn a proven mental model for EXCELLENCE to lay out a clear pathway for transformation, establishing yourself as the go-to-person and trusted champion that stakeholders listen to.

  • You will be able to access HIGHLY RESOURCEFUL AND ADAPTIVE MENTAL STATES to manage stress, pace the change effectively and efficiently, and thrive in uncertainty – and help others do the same.